Nursery Programme

Between 1 – 3 years of age, children learn best through active play and engaging in sensorial experiences. They learn to walk, climb and explore new things every day. At GENIUS, we encourage children to explore and discover the world independently.

At this age, children begin to develop relationships with others as well as develop their cognitive experiences through interactions with people, objects and events. We provide endless opportunities for toddlers to learn and play in a safe and productive environment.

At GENIUS, toddlers develop a variety of skills through music, art, table toys, PE, games, puzzles and age appropriate books. Toddlers will naturally pick up on vocabulary and increased awareness when exposed to this type of learning environment. All objects in the classrooms are toxic free and age appropriate. Teachers and Nanny’s interact with toddlers constantly to keep the level of activity and interest high using materials designed to increase their gross and fine motor skills, and to familiarize toddlers with the concept of grouping, identifying and grasping objects. Due to the short attention span of most toddlers, all group activities are broken down into 15 minute segments. This helps to slowly lengthen toddlers’ attention span and familiarize them with a structured daily schedule.

Curriculum for Nursery aims to

Build confidence, independence and personal identity

Develop range of movement and control with playground equipment

Differentiate sounds, respond to instructions and develop listening

Use imagination and role-based play to learn different forms of communication

Show interest in our world and cultures.

Genius International School of Singapore

Preschool & Primary School Campus : #19 Street 306, BKK1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Secondary School Campus: #16 Street 302, BKK1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Tel : 023 993 243 / 016 600 778 / 089 600 778

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