Winter Camp

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1 – 6 Years Old 6 – 12 Years Old English Club Students are learning an English topic to expand their vocabulary every day. Teachers are using modern platforms and white-board interactive activities to help students improve their fluency and oral English skills. Practical Life Practical life activities incorporated to help students be more independent…


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Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge” Why is creative play so important? Helps toddlers develop emotionally, physically, mentally and socially. Can help children express and cope with their feelings non-verbally. They may communicate these feelings through visual arts, movements, singing or dancing. Fosters cognitive growth by providing opportunities to think outside the box.…

7 Tips to Limit Your Child’s Screen Time

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1. Model Healthy Electronic Use It’s important to role model healthy electronics use for your children. So before you binge watch your favorite Netflix series, remember to set a good example. Keeping the TV on for background noise all the time or scrolling through your phone any time you have a spare minute teaches your…

9 things you say that hurt kid’s self-esteem

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DON’T SAY: “Mummy won’t love you if you keep doing that.” WHY NOT Your love for your child should not be conditional – and if he thinks it is, he’ll become even more unsettled. A kid’s self-esteem drops quickly if he thinks there is a real possibility that his parents’ love for him can be turned…