Application Process

Each application is considered individually. GENIUS International School of Singapore has an open admissions policy, and the admissions assessment will consider ability to access the curriculum through language, behaviour among peers, and additional learning needs. These are placement tests to give an indication of performance level and language ability, and are not academic entrance tests. They support our placement of students in a way that ensures classes are diverse across gender, language, national status, and additional learning needs.


Complete the registration form, providing a copy of the student’s birth certificate / passport and most recent school or nursery report.


After assessment you will be contacted within 48 hours if we can offer a place.


To accept an offer you must provide outstanding documents and pay the registration fee to secure your seat.


Once a place is offered, you should confirm you accept within 1 week including payment of the enrollment fee, admin fee, materials fee, and providing all outstanding documents. Once a place is accepted your child will be registered with the school, and the final step before the first day of term will be to pay the school fees and get your new school uniform.


Placement of our new students in classes is carried out by the Heads of School to ensure classes are diverse across gender, language, national status, and additional learning needs. Your new teacher will be in touch directly with all the information you will need.

We look forward to welcoming you on your first day!

“my kid loves school so much”

Genius International School of Singapore

Campus 1: #19 Street 306, BKK1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Campus 2: #16 Street 302, BKK1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Tel : 023 993 243 / 016 600 778 / 089 600 778


E-mail :