
We are proud to announce that Genius International School of Singapore is the first and the only school that fully provides this certified curriculum in Cambodia.

Our certified Singaporean and British curriculum will set a high standard quality for students to acquire basic knowledge for global education. Our program will prepare students for a very challenging and competitive world. By taking our program, students at Genius International School of Singapore will be awarded with original certificates directly from Singapore and the U.K, which enable students to pursue their study in Singapore, or the U.K as well as other developed countries. Moreover, we also provide General Certificate of Education Advanced Level certificate (GCE A Level), which is a high school qualification for pre-university students to apply for well-known universities. A level is the standard assessment of applicants for UK university admission and is highly respected worldwide. It is equivalent to high school diplomas in certain countries and can be used to apply to universities in most parts of the world.

Our curriculum is fully endorsed and accredited by Othm qualifications, a UK based Awarding Organization regulated by Ofqual (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) and recognized by Qualifications Wales.

Genius International School of Singapore

Address : #19 Street 306, BKK1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Tel : 023 993 243 / 016 600 778 / 089 600 778

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